Monday, July 7, 2014

July Tryouts have been Postponed!

So after a shit-tastic 4th of July weekend. Literally!  I caught a stomach virus and was sick all weekend and the explosions I saw were not the ones I was hoping for!   Still not feeling 100% this morning. 
Last night I found out that tryouts for July have been postponed and I have a feeling will be cancelled for this summer.  So I will have to wait for January!  I am SO NOT a happy camper!  Not that I am surprised, I have had a feeling this was going to happen for a few weeks now.  I know, I was originally shooting for January when I started this journey but I have been working so hard to be ready for July that this majorly sucks. 

Now I have to admit the last several weeks my determination has been slowly dwindling... not just with derby but with working out and everything.  It has been harder to get my ass out the door to walk with Penny or to go to class.  I know the walks with Penny are partially to do with the heat, but more so I am just too tired to. 

I know the biggest part has a great deal to do with my sleeping, or lack there of.   I am really starting to feel the affects now.  I am feeling more depressed and no motivation to do anything other then lay around the house and watch tv!   Getting the internet hooked up at my house is already proving to be a BIG MISTAKE!   Granted this weekend I was sick and that is all I could do so I can't say it was that. 

I am just feeling really depressed right now and I hate the feeling after feeling SO GOOD for so long. I need to get my self picked back up!  I hope this appt with a sleep Dr on Thursday is a step in that direction.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Roller Derby & Sewing... the unlikely of pairs

For those following I am going to change up my Blog a little.  A friend of me has suggested I also create a blog for the sewing I have been getting into know that I have my grandmothers machines up and running.  SO Instead of having 2 blogs because keeping up with the one is hard enough I am going to tweak this one a little and use this for my Sewing and Derby!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Last week in June

Well good morning! So we are fast approaching the end of June!  And we are half way through the year!!!!    WHERE DID THE TIME GO!

Not much to tell over the last week.  Have been working on my working out.  Haven't been running but I have been getting up each morning and walking and walking in the evening so I will take that!  All my classes and my PT.

PT is going great.  We are starting to concentrate on my balance and my stability for Derby.  Squats, squats and more squats!

Yesterday I got on my skates and skated outside for the first time in weeks.  I can really tell the difference in my stance.  I am feeling like I am sitting in my heels more then on my toes.  Which is a great thing.  I had a great time skating though it was just for an hour or so.   I am planning on trying to get out at least once a week to skate and once on the weekends from now till tryouts.  Speaking of which.....

DDR still hasn't set a date for recruitment or July Tryouts!  :(  I have a feeling they may cancel them and I will have to wait till January to tryout!   I know that I was originally planning on trying out then when I started this journey but I am so ready to start it NOW!!!!!! :) LOL  We will see what happens!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hello! I am back...

I have been bad at keeping my blog, I know SLACKER!!!! To the person that reads this I am sorry!

Just because I stopped blogging doesn't mean I stopped working towards my goal.  I continue to go to my Hula Hoop, Stretched Out and PiYo classes each week.  I have PT twice a week right now.  I have my walks with Penny.  Which (woohoo) this morning was morning #2 that I got up before work and walked Penny.  That way it isn't so hot for her as she has a hard time with the heat.  This afternoon I am also going to walk at lunch around the office.  I think twice around our building is 2 miles so we will see.  And then I will try and do a late walk with Penny (again closer to sun down when it isnt so hot).

I have finally gotten a fitbit to help with my tracking.  Though I don't know how accurate it is.  My endomondo tracking app I use on my phone says my walk this am was 1.5miles but my fit bit says is was 1.2 So we will see.  one thing I did notice though sitting at the bar and talking with my hands counts as steps apparently.... so maybe it balances itself out. :)

I have sadly dropped off my C25K training.  I need to get back on that this week.  I hate the idea of having to start from the beginning again maybe I can rewind by a week or two.  I know I can't pick up where I left off.  Maybe if I pick up and start at week 2 or 3 I will be ok. Today after class I might do and check out new sneakers. 

As of right now my goal to try out this July for the derby team is on hold... the current tot coach as decided to go back to skating and has stepped down from the coaching position.  Which means they have to find a replacement which it seems no one is stepping up to do.  So there is a good possibility there will not be tryouts this summer. :(  Which I think subconsciously has been a reason for my slowing down on my training pace.  

Thursday, June 5, 2014

OH Boy! One of those AND THEN IT HIT ME moments!

So last night at derby one of the skaters came up to me and was like so your trying out for the team.  As we talked about it briefly she said something along the lines of That is great you will have a real heads up on the others trying out.  Meaning my last 3 months as an NSO and getting to see all the practices and bouts... 

AND THEN IT HIT ME!  Here I was just thinking being a member and getting to so much in advance of my tryouts will help me with tryouts but now it actually puts me in a position that because I know so much I will be held to a higher standard.  Maybe not my skating ability but my understanding of rules, bout procedures and everything else.

Oh Boy I better get my ass in gear and kick my workouts up a notch!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What am I thinking!! Countdown to Derby... 6 Weeks - and I decide to return to school!?

To add to my list of shit on my plate I will begin to resume school again.  I had started doing back to school the fall of '12 to get my paralegal license, thinking when I moved back to Lancaster I would get back into the legal field here.  Well that idea went out the window when I got my job at RRD and I don't plan on leaving here anytime soon. 

Earlier this year fighting depression (which I didn't realize till I finally went to the DR), absolutely HATING where I lived and my back pain, I fell way behind in school and the motivation to keep up with it and going so I took a LOA to get myself together.  Well now LOA is coming to an end I had to make a decision.... drop out or continue?  I will not bore you with my internal debate, since it is obvious which side I have learned towards. :)  Of course I can't ever do anything the easy way!!!!  :) But life and father time don't always work together to make things easy!

So now comes the task of balancing everything!!!    Luckily Derby tryouts aren't for another month and a half so I have time to ease into classes again.  If I get everything ironed out with my LOA and the switch in degree programs I will start classes next week!!!!!! Professional Responsibility and Ethics! 

I am trying not to look at what my potential schedule will be but it is hard not to!  Derby for 2hrs 3 nights a week and School for an hour 2-4 nights a week, that is just class time not homework time.  I will probably have 6hrs a week for tests and assignments! 

All I can do is breathe and keep moving on!  :)

Week 7 & 7 Weeks Till Derby Boot Camp!

Woohoo!  This week starts week 7 of my road to Derby!  This week also marks the half way mark... 7 more weeks till Derby Boot Camp starts!

Mon 5/26
- Cont. to help dad with his deck, also worked in my garden in the morning before that.

Tues 5/27
- Streched Out Class (after the last 3 days I needed it! It felt so GOOD!!!!)
- I decided after a long weekend of deck building I deserved a rest day.  So I took tonight off.  I will start full force tomorrow!

OK I was bad... I can say outside of some small walks and gardening I have totally flaked on my routine!